The New Look of Spinosaurus

Thanks for putting the humor back in it's peripheral place. This type of upload is why, over my large range of interests, and over 1k subscriptions to various channels, I keep a notification bell set for this channel. It's one of maybe 3 dozen channels I have notifications set for. Most of them relate to my obvious primary subject of interest. I have the bell set for, 2 from Hank Green, 3 from Brady Haron and friends, Isaac Arthur, Event Horizon, SpaceTime, Eons, Harvard's CfA Colloquium, and the rest are related to electronics. I'm sharing this to say, you're in the top tier class for 'edutainment' type content. I'm the same age as those mentioned by name. The fact you guys are so young and in this league is remarkable. You must have truly remarkable parents and support. Keep it conservative, and above all keep it interesting. Thanks for the upload. -Jake P.S. It would be even more powerful if you added a second subtle mention of the 'pay wall' in your concluding thoughts. I love how you highlighted the subject. Mentioning the consequences without taking on a political narrative of your own was brilliant. If you were to apologize for any inaccuracies due to the imposed pay wall, or something along those lines, it would make the issue stick in the minds of viewers at the end. Of course, you'll wind up getting a call from someone offering a gratis subscription, essentially to buy off your acceptance of the status quo. Please don't give in. The choice is an inevitable eventuality in your future given your trajectory. It's not your job to fix the world. Ultimate, every choice we individually make is a vote that influences the total outcome. "Bad things happen when good people do nothing." M.L. King What else is left? What other parts of its body have we found little of and simply filled in with standard Spinosaurid features through phylogenetic bracketing? We still have little material of the hands, though we have enough of the skull to know how distinct it, we still have less than 30% of it. The back spines are still mostly absent. My point is, at this rate, Spinosaurus is obviously, and quite ironically the least Spinosaurid-like member of its family. We should consider the possibility that any of its remaining skeletal material could also be distinct. It is also possible that some other Spinosaurids with limited material could have also in fact shared these features.​​​ This is pure speculation on my part, but I can imagine that tail being used not so much for continuous swimming, but for a short, powerful burst of speed to propel the Spinosaurus in an ambush attack. Kind of like a crocodile, but spending more time in water deep enough that the tail would provide thrust, yet shallow enough that it could still either steady itself with its feet on the mud or briefly tread water until the moment of striking, making buoyancy less of an issue.
